My first blog post in my new website. Ahhh I know I’m YEARS behind in creating this, but better late than never! I’d like to start with a more informal “get to know me” post and share 10 random things about me that you probably don’t know (in no particular order). I also love connecting with people, so please comment or reach out to let me know if we share any of the same quirks or experiences!
1. Although I had never visited California or had a single friend living there, I packed up my tiny car after college and drove west alone. Dozens of states and 43 hours later, I arrived in Santa Monica to call it home! This was before the days of smartphones so I had to pay to use the internet in Kinkos (remember that place?) to find a place to live and a job on Craigslist. My poor parents! Dear Jesus, I pray my girls never do this to me.
2. As an Integrative Health Practitioner I share on the importance of eating real food and limiting junk, BUT I will ask for a side of french fries no matter where I go. Grilled chicken salad and bring my own dressing from home (no seed oils)? I’ll also take a side of fries. Thanks.
3. NYC has my heart. Favorite city in the world! My husband was a starting pitcher for the New York Mets (so fun) so I lived there briefly and loved every second of NYC life! I would take the 7 train one way to his games at Citi Field or the other way to soak in Manhattan by myself when he was on the road for away games.
4. I hate fashion and shopping for clothes. I get a little anxious planning for weekends away for work or events where I know everyone will be all trendy and cute. I always feel like a fish out of water and prefer to be home in my leggings with no makeup.
5. I’m a Type A hustler by nature and have to force myself to take breaks and slow down. I spent all of 2023 focusing on tools to pull myself out of fight-or-flight.
6. I was a Division 1 college cheerleader. Being on the floor in all the action during basketball games was my favorite part!
7. My favorite sounds that bring instant comfort are birds singing (I’m old), the sound of the dryer, sound of a dishwasher, and sneakers on a basketball court. Weirdest choices ever but they bring back special memories!
8. My bed is my favorite place EVER. Please never feel bad canceling evening plans with me. 9 out of 10 times I don’t want to go anyway and prefer to be in my bed watching a Hallmark mystery with my oldest daughter.
9. I’m obsessed with potlucks and tailgates. One would think I would freak out over ingredients and cleanliness, but all goes out the window. 80/20 rule!
10. Jesus is truly number one in my life. I grew up in a strong Christian home and regularly attended church several times per week, but in 2016 God wrecked me. I went from being an American lukewarm Christian to intimately knowing Jesus on a whole new level. It’s honestly like I had new eyes to see the world in a whole new way and had a completely different relationship with sin.
Well, that was fun! I’m excited to start this blog to share all of my favorite things in one place. My prayer is that I won’t just add to the noise of the world, but will add value and encourage you to know Jesus, love on your family and live a healthier lifestyle!
Cheers to your health & happiness! Xx